C-07, 6th floor, Annex Bar Building, Cox's Bazar Court, Bangladesh.


Legal Aid : Free Legal Help Services in Bangladesh

Legal aid is a most important help who’s couldn’t take any kind of legal defense in favor of his. Access to justice of the mass people legal service is most important for us

Article 27 of the Bangladesh Constitution conferred that all citizens are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of the law. But in practice, we see that many of the poor people who are involved uncertainly in different litigation can’t get legal help to their economic problems.

As per article 6.3 of the European Convention of Human rights Legal help is essential to guaranteeing equal access to justice for all.

Legal Help of the poor is a welfare provision by the charity organization and state for the poor people. In the Bangladesh perspective, the necessity of Legal help is high because the minimum number of people of Bangladesh is poor and couldn’t go through to the court.

National Legal services & practice

To ensure Justice and equality of justice the government of Bangladesh enacted a law which is the Legal aid services act, 2000. For people who are financially poor and don’t connect to the court system, the government gives them legal help services in Bangladesh.

In every district of Bangladesh, the government sets up legal offices. In the same post of assistant Judge or Senior assistant judge posted as a district legal officer.

To ensure government legal services the superior court of the Bangladesh Supreme court division has also a legal aid office.

It’s emerging that the legal help services also spread to the Upazila and Union level. They have a special task committee. Basically, every labor court of Bangladesh has a special committee.

In this digital era, the government of Bangladesh has taken a good decision to spread legal help services which is the national legal tele helpline (16430).

It’s 24 hours nonstop legal services. In the year 2019-2020 almost 24271 citizens of Bangladesh took legal services.

Why Legal aid is important

Most of the people in Bangladesh are financially not properly able. And also the literacy percentage of Bangladesh are too low.

In practice, legal support and help are too costly in Bangladesh. Most of the people who’s didn’t know about the law and court system need proper guidelines and for this, the legal services are too important.

Legal services are too important for the ADR (alternative dispute resolution). We know that the Legal system of Bangladesh is too lengthy.

In the world, the ADR system is the most popular. Bangladesh national legal services are the first legally authorized organization to do ADR.

In the year 2013, the minister of Law and Justice affairs raises the amendment bill of the Legal aid services act, 2000. The bill was passed unanimously ‍and added section 21kha of this act.

In the fiscal year, 2019-2020 district legal offices did ADR almost 24064 with success. Most of the main suits are withdrawn from the court for ADR services.

So, in the eye of statistics of Bangladesh, we see that the legal services are most important of us.

Free legal aid services

Many of the non-government organizations of Bangladesh give free legal services. Blast (Bangladesh Legal aid services trust) is a leading organization for free legal services.

And BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee) is also a good organization that’s worked for free legal aid services.

Can you plead not guilty due to not knowing the law?

ASK (Ain o Salish Kendra) give more free legal services in Bangladesh. Basically, they worked for women’s and children’s rights highly.

In different situations, we see that they worked for the public interest in Bangladesh. Any citizens who seek legal help can help.

Without the following organizations, many of the no-governmental organizations worked for free legal services.


Now the government of Bangladesh digitalized the national legal services. E-response systems and app-based services are already run for citizens.

The necessity of legal services is too high. According to the international convention of civil and political rights, legal service is the right of all persons.

To ensure justice and easy access to justice the legal services are most important in view of Bangladesh and hole world.

Every person has the right to self-defense of law and in this eye legal aid is one of the most important who didn’t get the legal help.

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