written statement

Written Statement Under CPC : An Overview with Format


A written statement is a document given by the defendant against plaint. The Code of Civil Procedure CPC provided the rules of a written statement. Order 8 of the CPC provides step by step written statement and set-off.

According to Order 8, Rule 1 The defendant shall within thirty working days from the date of service of summons upon him, save as provided in the proviso to sub-section (2) of section 80, present a written statement of his defense.

Which facts must be pleaded on the written statement?

Under Rule 2 of Order, 8 of the cpc New facts must be specially pleaded. The defendant must raise by his pleading all matters which show the suit not to be maintainable,

or that the transaction is either void or voidable in point of Law, and all such grounds of defense as, if not raised, would be likely to take the opposite party by surprise,

or would raise issues of fact not arising out of the plaint, as, for instance, fraud, limitation, release, payment, performance, or facts showing illegality. Under Rule 3 Denial to be specific.

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And after all the more rules are here to write a statement on behalf of the defendant.

Particulars of a written statement for filing

  • written statement
  • First form with all supporting documents with the date.
  • A copy of the written statement for each plaintiff.
  • Vokalat Nama.

Rules of Pleadings of Written Statement

  • a) defendant must raise specifically about the maintainability of the suit or the transaction is void or voidable in point of Law.
  • b) Defendant must deny all pleadings, which he does not admit specifically- he must not deny allegations of fact evasively and answer the point of substance.
  • c) In a suit for recovery of money, the defendant may claim set off against the plaintiff, demand of any ascertained sum of money legally recoverable not exceeding the pecuniary limits of the Court- Where the defendant relies upon several distinct grounds of set-off founded upon separate and distinct facts, they shall be stated separately.

Format of a Written Statement in Family Suit




Family Suit No: 25 of 2019

Mr. Roni,


  • Versus –

Mrs. Rumi,


Written Statement on behalf of the Defendant

The above-named Defendant most respectfully state as



  1. That the Defendant (Mrs. Rumi) denies the suit as the suit is totally false and vexatious in nature.
  2. That the claim of Plaintiff is baseless and so the suit is no more maintainable and should be dismissed.
  3. That the suit is not maintainable under the present law and also barred by the law of limitation.
  4. That the suit is barred by jurisdiction.
  5. That the suit is bad for non-joinder of two other necessary parties; one is his father and another is a cousin.
  6. That the defendant denies para (A) of the Plaint as the plaintiff has drawn. The plaintiff’s excuse is not true, and actually, the plaintiff made her bound to do that.
  7. That the defendant denies para (C) and (D) of the plaint. Tried to bring it back to the family, But failure is not true and has not maintained cost.
  8. The actual fact of the suit is as follows :
  9. On the 18th January 2017, the plaintiff came to his house with an unknown girl at night 11 pm. When the defendant for bad her husband to live together with an unknown girl then the plaintiff became very angry and tortured his wife. At last, he sent off her with their son from his house at 11.30 at night.
  10. That Plaintiff is not a man of good in character. Every night is used to come to his house drunken and often with a different girl and also tortured the defendant.
  11. That the plaintiff is not able to maintain their family. The defendant also said that the plaintiff had tortured her in such a way that her eyes were about to damage and it was unfortunate that in such a condition of serious injury, the plaintiff did not allow the defendant to have any medical treatment.

Wherefore, it is humbly prayed that your honor would graciously be pleased to –

  1. Pass an order to dismiss the suit,
  2. Pass an order for the cost of the suit to the defendant.
  3. And or pass such other order or orders as your honor deem fit and proper in law.



That the statements made above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Thereof I put my signature hereunder, being present in the chamber of my appointed lawyer.



Defendant signature


Note: The Statement was made for an educational article, not a factual statement or intentional one.

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